
His Cross Our Gain.

His Cross Our Gain

Jesus was taken to the execution ground outside the city on a major road, where all would see what happened to criminals under Rome.

Those who were crucified did not die from the wounds in the hands or ankles. The blood in the suspended victims, especially ones who had lost a lot of blood from whippings, was forced down into the lower body. The pulse rate increased; after agony, which might have lasted for days, the victim died from lack of blood circulating to the brain and heart.

As Jesus suffered excruciating pain during the crucifixion onlookers either mocked or they sorrowed. In fact that’s where we get the word excruciating; it means “from the cross”. Even the thieves who were crucified too “heaped insults to Him.”

Jesus hung on the cross from 9:00 a.m. to noon. Then, at noon, a terrible darkness covered the sun. After three more hours, at about 3:00 p.m., Jesus cried out, “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” This cry reflects the anguish of the cross.

It was not just the physical pain that tormented Jesus. It was the fact that when our sin was laid on Him, He was made sin for us (2 Cor. 5:21). At that moment, for the first and only time, the Father turned away from the Son, and Jesus experienced the full meaning of the separation from God that sin always causes. A moment later, the work was done, Jesus “breathed His last.” the Savior had died; it was finished. But in three days He would rise again!

“The curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom.” This meant that there was, now, direct access to God for the worshiper into the most Holy Place. Because of what Christ did, we can now freely and boldly enter into the presence of Almighty God. The tearing of the curtain showed that now, through the death of Jesus, the way to God was open to those who believe.

Isaiah 53:5 says,But he was wounded for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his stripes we are healed.”

Here Jesus took on our sins so that we may be forgiven, we may be healed, we may have access to the Father and we may enter into eternal life with Him. All you must do is repent of your sins and receive Him as Lord of your life. We broke the Law of God. We deserve the wrath of God. We became enemies of God. Yet Jesus took it all upon Himself for those whom He calls and those who repent and trust in Him.

This is a speech I gave at two elderly homes.


Aaron Sleadd said...

Very Good Speech, Kolton! Preach it, Brother! :)

Anonymous said...

That' powerful. I never really made the connection between excruciating and crucify